Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Reader Top Ten Greatest Science Fiction Films Circa 2000 - 2013: Le0pard 13 at It Rains...You Get Wet

Blogger and comrade extraordinaire, Le0pard 13 at It Rains...You Get Wet, today posts his selections for the best science fiction films of the 21st century thus far.  He's got some fantastic, thoughtful choices too...

Check out the entire post here for Le0pard13's explanations, choices of photograph, and outstanding commentary.  Below, I include all the titles:

10. The Fountain (2006)

09. Pitch Black (2000)

08. Primer (2004)

07. Minority Report (2002)

06. Avatar (2009)

05. Moon (2009)

04. Serenity (2005)

03. District 9 (2009)

02. Wall-E (2008)

01. Children of Men (2006).

Le0pard13: We have some definite overlaps on our respective lists (Wall-E, District 9, Minority Report, and Primer), and there's a good case to be made for all the titles included here.  

This is the first mention of Avatar on any reader lists, and that's another one that would be near my top ten.  

Serenity is also proving to have quite a following, it looks is District 9.


  1. Thanks so much for the kind words and link love, John. Much obliged, my friend. Another great Reader Top Ten subject!

    1. Hi Le0pard13,

      Thank you for contributing another wonderful list. I always enjoy and appreciate your contributions on the Reader Top Ten (and any post, for that matter!)

      All my best,

  2. So L13 I have to confess that I need to revisit Children Of Men. For whatever reason, I stopped about 20 minutes in out of boredom. I know this was a mistake based on all of the love it gets, and your enthusiastic support of the picture, but that actually happened to me.

    Your choice for The Fountain is also very interesting. I guess I will have to check that out. That one has always intrigued me.

    Finally, you have always been a big advocate of Wall-E. John even has it on his list. I've always loved the first part of that film. Absolutely stunning. I love it. The second half, while no less intelligent, because it really has a great message throughout the film, becomes a little less the art film of the first segment and a little more of a traditional Pixar-styled affair and for whatever reason that becomes a little too distracting for me and loses the style I adore so much from the first portion. I know that must sound odd. Please forgive me. : )

    1. Hey, many thanks, G. I do hope you get around (and past the 20 minute mark) for Children of Men. It's well worth it. And yes, JKM and me, have quite an affection for the little metal man from WALL•E. Many thanks, my friend.

  3. I have a lotta respect for The Fountain. It didn't quite gel with me entirely, but there're many aspects to it that I found interesting and thought worked very well.


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"