Saturday, August 31, 2013

Reader Top Ten Greatest Science Fiction Films Circa 2000 - 2013: Duanne Walton

Regular reader Duanne Walton gives us the last list of the afternoon!

Duanne writes:

“All righty then, here's my top ten list of 2000-13 movies. Once again, subject to change at any given moment. 

10. Slither (2006) Glad to see someone make a good old fashioned, rip roaring monster movie once in a while. This movie really needs more love.

9. X-Men (2000) The movie that reignited the superhero genre.

8. Serenity (2005) The movie that should not exist, according to Joss Whedon. And yet it does.

7. Chronicle (2012) The found footage and superhero genres combine.

6. Cloverfield (2006) The found footage and giant monster genres combine

5. The Butterfly Effect (2004) It was a toss-up between this and District 9 to make the list, but Butterfly is the one that haunts me more, in every sense of the word.

4. Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith (2005) The end was just the beginning.

3. The Cabin in the Woods (2012) Think of it as a sci-fi movie about horror movies.

2. Wall-E (2008) A jewel of a movie.

1. Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) As much as I hate to admit it, a far better reboot than Burton's version.

That should do it.”

Duanne: I enjoyed your list, and particularly the high-placement of Rise and Wall-E.  

This is also the first placement of a Star Wars prequel.  I was wondering if there would be any showing.  I feel that Revenge of the Sith is the best of the prequels and actually better than Return of the Jedi, but that’s a post for another day.  This is also the first time The Butterfly Effect and X-Men have shown up on the list.  It has been many years since I saw The Butterfly Effect, but I remember feeling that it was better than reviews indicated. 


  1. Just so you know. There should've been a "does." at the end of #8.

  2. Episode II & III would top my list, if I viewed Star Wars as science fiction, which I don't.

    Are you ever going to do a Top 10 for fantasy or horror, John? Just curious.

    1. Hi Cannon, I am thinking about doing a horror themed list for October to celebrate Halloween. For September I was thinking of retrenching with best sci-fi and fantasy of the 1970s to coincide with the release of my book on the subject...

  3. Great question Cannon and more exciting possibilities John.

    Back to Duane. I had two entries with Tom Cruise (I'm still kind of amazed at that) but I love how Nathan Fillion falls neatly into your Top 10 on two entries along with Joss.

    Slither is such a great little sci-fi horror by Gunn. I really enjoy that film and Rooker is always great to watch in these genres.

    Also, The Butterfly Effect? Huh. I had no idea.

    Finally, another vote for Cabin. I'll be getting that film and I'm sure I will enjoy it much more than The Avengers. Cheers.

  4. I hope you'll be posting a review on Chronicle, John.


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