Friday, August 30, 2013

Back to Frank Black Interviews Barbara Bain

I just want to direct all Mission: Impossible, Space:1999 and Millennium fans to the latest podcast from the good folks at Back to Frank Black.  James McLean and Troy Foreman have conducted a brilliant,  wide-ranging hour+ interview with three-time Emmy Award winner Barbara Bain.

The interview discusses Ms. Bain's impressive career in detail, but also -- delightfully -- reveals her great sense of humor.  She is an absolute pleasure to listen to, and fans of Cinnamon Carter and Dr. Helena Russell should definitely check this out.  As a Space 1999-admirer, I loved listening to Ms. Bain's reminiscences of London, Bray Studios, Main Mission, and the Great Strike in the 1970s.

The link is here


  1. John,

    Wow man, an unexpected surprise with you posting about our interview with Barbara. We had such an amazing time talking with her and you are right, she has such a sense of humor.

    She totally elevated the status of the interviews that we've done on our podcast and we are quite proud of it. Thank you again for listening and posting about it!

  2. Awesome John. Barbara Bain has a wonderful personality that comes out in these type interviews. Two weeks from today is SPACE:1999 "Breakaway Day" September 13th and, of course, Ms. Bain's birthday!


  3. I'm in the middle of this as we speak and it is an incredible interview. Bain is so unassuming. She's lovely and very free with sharing great information. Hats off to McLean and Foreman for their typically conversational, good natured style. Just a terrific interview.

  4. John, excellent interview with Ms. Bain. I just finished listening. Thank you for the heads up and the link. You are mentioned to Barbara at the 39 minute mark:"...John Muir..." regarding your brilliant EXPLORING SPACE:1999 book. :)


  5. John,

    I just listened to this again and I couldn't be more proud of myself and James talking with such a legend. It just doesn't get better than this and you are right, she has an amazing sense of humor!

  6. Back to Frank Black apparently has gone dark. Any updated link to the interview? Just discovered this (late to the party, as usual).


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