Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pop Art: Super Powers Collection Edition (Kenner)


  1. How could Superman EVER have caught a villain on the moon without his trusty Justice Jogger(TM)?

  2. Wow thanks for the flashback here! I remember this series of toys well. But the only one I had was Aquaman. Much like your grandmother, my grandma knew I liked action figures, but didn't really know which ones. So I got Aquaman as a birthday present one year. He had real food kicking action! But no accessories, alas. Mostly he hung out with my Star Wars action figures.


Abnormal Fixation Episode 6: "Zeigarnik"

 Here is the conclusion of episode 1 of Abnormal Fixation: "Zeigarnik!"   Please enjoy (but also like and subscribe, and leave a c...