Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Theme Song of the Week: Bring 'Em Back Alive (1982)


  1. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I remember both this tv series Bring 'Em Back Alive and Tales Of The Gold Monkey(starring Stephen Collins) both attempting to capture the recent Raiders Of The Lost Ark success as a weekly series.


  2. Hi SGB:

    I remember the exciting times of Bring 'Em Back Alive and Tales of the Gold Monkey very well. I was always more a fan of Gold Monkey, but I'd love to see a DVD edition of Bring Em Back Alive...


  3. I barely remember this, but I do recall the attempts television and movie execs tried to duplicate 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'. I don't think they ever came close, but they had their moments. Thanks, John.

  4. Hi Michael,

    I felt at the time that Tales of the Gold Monkey made a better go of the idea, in part because it sought not to ape merely Raiders, but a whole bunch of 1930s adventure movies. That helped out. Bring 'Em Back Alive (at least as I remember it...) did not seem to have the same sense of fun and homage. I could be wrong: a long time since I've seen it!


  5. I for one, as I've mentioned here before, really loved tales of the gold monkey. I suppose the opportunity of television to explore it's characters and settings in a way film can rarely duplicate in two short hours made it something special episode to episode while capturing the spirit of raiders adventure. I do agree it was so much more actually. Best, sff

  6. Wow, this is a trip down memory lane. As you said, I would love to see this released on DVD. The folks at Shout Factory! seem like the most obvious candidates to take this task on. A fun show.


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"