Monday, January 23, 2012

The Cult-TV Faces of: The Duel to the Death

Identified by Le0pard13: The Outer Limits: "Fun and Games"

Identified by Hugh: Star Trek: "Amok Time."

Identified by Dave Colahan: The Starlost: "The Goddess Calabra"

Identified by Dave Colohan: Planet of the Apes: "The Gladiators"

Identified by Dave Colohan: Space:1999: "The Rules of Luton."

Identified by Hugh and Dave Colohan: Blake's 7: "Duel"

Identified by Hugh: Buck Rogers: "Buck's Duel to the Death"

Identified by Dave Colohan: V: "The Champion"

Identified by Randal Graves: Angel: "The Ring"

Identified by Woodchuckgod: Farscape: "That Old Black Magic"

Identified by Hugh and Dave Colohan: Star Trek: Voyager: "Tsunkatse"

Identified by Hugh: Firefly: "Shindig"

Not Identified: Smallville: "Dominion"


  1. 2 Star Trek (Amok Time)
    5 Six Million Dollar Man
    6 Blake's 7 ("Gambit")
    7 Buck Rogers
    11 Star Trek: Voyager
    12 Firefly

  2. Dave Colohan6:43 AM

    Hey there,
    2. Star Trek - 'Arena'
    4. Planet Of The Apes - 'The Gladiators'
    5. Space 1999 ?
    6. Blake's 7 - 'Duel'
    7. Buck Rogers - 'Duel To The Death'
    8. V ?
    11. Star Trek Voyager - 'Tsunkatse'

    Hope this finds ye well,

  3. Great job, Hugh and Dave!

    You made some great ids there!

    Left to identify #1, # 3, #9, #10, #13.


  4. 1. Fun and Games - Outer Limits S1, with Nick Adams and Nancy Malone.

    Great 'Faces' post, John. Thanks.

  5. Hi Le0pard13:

    Outstanding, sir! You've successfully identified our first gallery image (and a tough one too...). I love Fun & Games, a great Outer Limits episode and an early "duel to the death" example in cult television.



  6. Dave Colohan12:42 PM

    A couple of wild guesses...
    3. The Starlost
    10. Makes me think of an Irwin Allen show, maybe Land of the Giants?
    13. Looks a little like Sebastian Spence, but I only know him from First Wave & this looks like a different show.
    Wild guesses for sure!
    Always a pleasant distraction on a Monday.
    Hope this finds ye well.

  7. Aw drat, Dave beat me by ten minutes!

  8. Hi folks,

    The identifications on the duel to the death keep rollin' in...

    Randal, yes! Excellent! #9 is indeed from the Angel first season episode "The Ring." Well played, sir! :)

    And Dave, you recognized # 3 from The Starlost, "The Goddess Calabra." Brilliant. That was a toughie too.

    And Brian C., man, you also got The Starlost answer (awesome!) but Dave just beat you to it.

    Remaining: #10 and # 13!

    best to all!

  9. woodchuckgod1:46 PM

    #10 is from Farscape - looks like Crais and Crichton frolicking in Maldis' lair in "That Old Black Magic"

  10. Hi Woodchuckgod!

    Yes, great identification, my friend. That's Farscape's "That Old Black Magic." Very nice work on a difficult image...



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