Monday, April 18, 2011

The Cult-TV Faces of: The Professor

Identified: Guy Williams (Professor Robinson), Lost in Space.

Identified: Russell Johnson, The Professor, Gilligan's Island.

Identified: Professor Goodfellow.  The Super Friends.

Identified: Barry Morse (Professor Victor Bergman), Space:1999.

Identified: Derek Farr (Professor Evans), Star Maidens.


Identified: Charlie Dell (Professor Parsafoot), Jason of Star Command.

Identified: Alan Oppenheimer (Professor Hans Zarkov), The New Adventures of Flash Gordon.

Identified: Daniel Davis (Professor Moriarity), Star Trek: The Next Gen.

Identified: Brent Spiner (Professor Data), ST:TNG: "All Good Things"

Identified: Billy West (Professor Farnsworth), Futurama

Identified: Lindsay Crouse (Professor Maggie Walsh), Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Identified: James Callis (Professor Gaius Baltar), BSG.

Identified: James Marsters (Professor Milton Fine), Smallville.

Identified: Robert Carlyle (Professor Rush), SGU.

Identified: David McCallum (Professor Paradox), Ben 10: Alien Force


  1. The few I recognize:
    1. Dr. John Robinson (Guy Williams) - LOST IN SPACE [given my age, how can I not]
    2. The Professor (Russell Johnson) - GILLIGAN'S ISLAND [see above]
    3. Professor Victor Bergman (Barry Morse) - SPACE: 1999
    9. Professor Moriarty (Daniel Davis) - STAR TREK:TNG [btw, one of my all-time fave versions for this iconic character]
    11. Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth (voiced by Billy West) - FUTURAMA
    13. Dr. Gaius Baltar (James Callis) - BATTLESTAR GALACTICA
    14. Prof. Milton Fine (James Marsters) - SMALLVILLE

    Thanks, John.

  2. Kept thinking about this one and I think this might be it:
    10. Data as the Lucasian Professor (mathematical professorship at Cambridge University) - STAR TREK:TNG

    [I fully admit having help from the Memory Alpha site for this]


  3. 2. THE Professor, of course. :)
    3. Professor Goodfellow.
    9. TNG's Processor Moriarty
    10. Professor Data
    13. Baltar
    16. Professor Paradox

  4. Anonymous8:04 AM

    #4) Victor Bergman (barry Morse),episode 'Black Sun', Space 1999
    #5) Professor Evans (Derek Farr), Star Maidens


  5. Hi everybody,

    Great identifications already, early this morning!

    Le0pard13, you were first out of the gate, correctly identifying a whole swath of these. You recognized Guy Williams (John Robinson), Russell Johnson (The Professor), Barry Morse (Victor Bergman), Daniel Davis (Moriarity), Billy West (Farnsworth), James Callis (Baltar), and James Marsters (Milton Fine). You also recognized Data as a professor (Brent Spiner) from "All Good Things." Outstanding Job!!!!

    Kentucky Packrat: More great identifications here, as well. You recognized Professor Goodfellow from the Super Friends (a tough one!!!) and you also recognized Professor Paradox from Ben 10: Alien Force! Wow! Outstanding!

    Meredith, you ticked off another difficult identification as well, Derek Farr as Professor Evans in Star Maidens!

    Brilliant job to all! Thanks for playing.

    That leaves us still to identify: 6, 7, 8, 12 and 15!!!


  6. 7: Professor E. J. Parsafoot (Charlie Dell) from Jason of Star Command.

    8: Dr. Hans Zarkov (voice of Alan Oppenheimer) from The New Adventures of Flash Gordon.

  7. I'll jump on #12 as Professor Maggie Walsh of UC Sunnydale, sinister director of The Initiative from Buffy's fourth season.


  8. Hello, my friends.

    Well, together you have taken three of the final five images right off the list! Congratulations on a job well done!

    Fang Shih-yu: You correctly identified Professor Parsafoot (Charlie Dell) and Dr. Hans Zarkov (Alan Oppenheimer!) Fantastic!

    Adam: You impressively remembered that #12 is Professor Maggie Walsh of the Initiative, on Buffy the Vampire Slayer . She was played by the great actor Lindsay Crouse.

    Excellent. We're down to two: #6 and # 15!


  9. Is #15 Professor Rush from "Stargate Universe"?

  10. Hi Michael,

    Bingo! That's Professor Rush (Robert Carlyle), from SGU.

    Great job... now we're down to the lonely # 6 in the collection...



AF Episode 5: "The Doll"