Friday, April 29, 2011

Around the Web: Links and Events for a Friday Night

Lots of interesting stuff happening across the Inter-Tubes today, and I wanted to draw your attention to some of them:

First, Destinies: the Voice of Science Fiction, a truly fantastic radio talk show hosted by Dr. Howard Margolin, celebrates its 28th anniversary  today. 

Destinies airs tonight at 11:00 PM on 90.1 FM, WUSB, Stony Brook, NY, (netcasting at

Tonight's celebration will include music by Bear McCreary, John Debney, Murray Gold, Kasey Lansdale, and the California Guitar Trio, as well as encore readings by Patrick Thomas and Barry K. Nelson, and volume 2, number 112 of Christopher DeFilippis' "DeFlip Side," in which he pays tribute to the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's first spaceflight. 

Also, Mateo Latosa and Cesar Gallegos' original score from my web series, The House Between, will be featured on the program as well. 

If you miss the celebration tonight, but want to check it out later, Destinies programs are archived here,

Happy 28th Anniversary, Howard!

Secondly, BACK TO FRANK BLACK, the great organization dedicated to the return of Millennium's profiler, played by Lance Henriksen, begins to air the web series Millennium: Apocalypse tonight at 8:00 pm. 

I haven't seen this series yet, but I'm looking forward to checking it out.   I've heard many good things about it.

And last, but not at all least, Will and Michael (Le0pard13) at The Paxton Configuration have just recorded a highly-detailed and extremely entertaining podcast on the subject of the 2007 horror film, The Mist.  I actually saw the film for the first time not long ago and am a big fan of it (even if a friend spoiled the ending for me. D'oh!).  

Anyway, the wide-ranging podcast discusses director Frank Darabont, Thomas Jane, and films such as The Shawshank Redemption and The Fly 2.   The conversation never wanes, and the two hosts share a good chemistry and back-and-forth. 

I hope and Will and Michael record more of these podcasts; I very much enjoyed this one and hope you'll check it out.


  1. That is an awesome sci-fi talk show, and it's great to see Mateo Latosa and Cesar Gallegos featured on the program, as well. Always wonderful, too, that the folks over at BACK TO FRANK BLACK are starting another web series, John.

    But let me say, I am deeply appreciative that you singled out Will and I in your post, my friend. It was a lot of fun to do, but full credit goes to our mutual friend in Arizona. Will came up with the idea, the film selection, and the audio execution. I was only too happy to be in on the ride. Both of you are class gentlemen and I consider it an honor to have you as friends.

    My sincere thanks and all the best to you.

  2. Hi Le0pard13:

    You and Will really did a great job on that podcast, so I should be the one thanking you! :)

    Seriously, it was a pleasure to listen to. The time flew by at warp speed, and I felt like I was in the company of two my best friends and two of the most knowledgeable movie "geeks" in my life. It was great. I hope there's more to come!


  3. Hey! Thanks for the plug my man and thank you so much for the high praise. It means a lot coming from you.

    Le0pard13 and I will DEFINITELY do another podcast. I'm planning on rotating guests (Troy and I, for example, will be doing the sci-fi film Sunshine). So stay tuned!!!!


Nimoy Day: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

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