Tuesday, September 01, 2009

One More Time: Biggest Month Ever!

Dear Readers:

Here at Reflections on Film and Television, August was our biggest month ever. In fact, we topped the previous "best" month by over two-thousand additional visitors. The upshot is this: the blog is now on the path to topping 2008's yearly readership well before the end of September. In 2009, we've already surpassed the yearly readership for 2007. Wow.

So, my humble and sincere thanks for continuing to stop by and checking out my thoughts on film and television. Currently, I'm in the midst of a re-organization/move and setting up a new office, but I will return to blogging on Wednesday (when my Internet connection is hooked up). I hope to get back up to five or six posts a week once this huge re-organization is behind me. I appreciate your patience.

And look forward to this Friday, when our De Palma study will pick up with a review of Mission: Impossible (1996).

Thanks again, and see you tomorrow,



  1. Congrats! I just stumbled across your blog and am really impressed at the encyclopedic nature of your entries. Keep up the great work!


  2. Thanks, Andy. Hope you stick around to read more!



AF Episode 5: "The Doll"