Thursday, September 17, 2009

Best Year Ever!

Well, it's happened. According to my stats page, in 2009 Reflections on Film and Television has already surpassed the total number of readers for the year 2008! And with three-and-a-half-months still to go.

Every year since I began it in April of 2005, this site has shown solid growth, but not quite on this scale...and I owe it all to you folks, the readers.

And the icing on the cake: an educational blog "hub" (concerning online degrees...) today also tagged Reflections on Film and Television as one of the "Top 100 Film Studies Blogs," alongside such greats as Reverse Shot, and Senses of Cinema.

You like me! You really like me!


  1. Congrats! What a great honor. You certainly deserve it, my friend.

  2. Love your work mate, it is greatly deserved.


  3. Thanks guys --

    Readers and colleagues like both of you make blogging a wonderful and rewarding experience.


  4. dave starry2:38 PM

    You may owe the stats to us, but the increased visits are due to the excellent content. I first wandered here after reading your excellent Space: 1999 book. Congratulations on the top blogs honor, and I look forward to much more great reading in the future.

  5. Dave:

    Thank you for that great compliment. I'm glad you enjoyed my Space:1999 book; and I'm glad you stopped by. More good stuff to come!



AF Episode 5: "The Doll"