Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Catnap Tuesday #14: Detente

Ever since we brought home our little black kitten, Lily (who lost her tail in a fan belt before she was rescued by our vet...), our older cat, Ezri has been having difficulty adjusting. Ezri's litter mate, Lila (not pictured) has been just fine. She and Lily have bonded in a wonderful way. They're good friends now. But Ezri is a warrior princess and she just didn't warm to the newcomer.

But then, suddenly, something changed in the last few days. Lily likes to sleep on my lap while I blog. Sometimes she wakes up and goes after the moving cursor on the monitor, but most of the time, she just likes to saw logs. Well, out of the blue, Ezri decided she wanted to be on my lap at the same time as Lily. Prime real estate, apparently! But instead of hissing and fighting (the usual course of action...), Ezri just slid on to my lap and went to sleep beside Lily. They stayed there together for a good half hour before fighting broke out. So I snapped this photo while I could. Hopefully, this will be the only time that my lap appears on the Internet...

It sure is great when your children get along, isn't it? Sure does make it hard to reach the keyboard though...

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