Friday, April 14, 2023

Meet: Bill Clark

Dr. William T. Clark, or Bill, is a guy who has everything going for him.  


Or more accurately, he did…


Captain of his high school swim team, a student at M.I.T., a decorated war hero in the Iraq War, and a married man with two daughters, Samantha, and Katie, Bill seemed to be living the American dream in the early 2000’s.


But his work changed his life in a way that Bill could never have anticipated.  


While working at the Department of Defense with his brother, Sam, Bill had access to top secret government files about America’s new enemy. 

That enemy wasn’t terrorism, but rather global climate change and the impending end of affordable energy. Intelligence agencies predicted mass flooding, millions of refugees, riots, collapse of infrastructure, famine, and starvation from lack of resources.


To that end, Bill – ever the scientist -- created Project Habitat. Hoping to save his family and his country, he designed a habitat called a smart house.

It was a high-tech dwelling to be powered not by conventional or even alternative energy, but rather via quantum mechanics. Basically, the smart house (controlled by an artificial intelligence called a “lar.”) would bring in energy, food, resources -- anything -- from another reality in the Quantumsphere, a process accounted for by the Many Worlds Theory. The idea was that the things Americans needed wouldn’t come from nowhere, but rather, would be acquired in any one of a trillion alternate universes or realities where those supplies already existed. It was a transfer from one quantum reality to another.


By mysterious circumstances, Bill has ended up living in one of his own smart houses, separated from his family, though he possesses no memory how he arrived there. Also quite unexpectedly, Bill finds himself in love with another denizen in the house: Astrid.  


Forever hoping to reconnect with his family, Bill is also haunted by the fact that the smart houses – his invention designed to stave off disaster – is responsible for the holocaust that fractured consensus reality in the first place.


The stalwart Bill Clark is portrayed in Enter the House Between by Tony Mercer. Tony gets pulled away from editing and sound design two or three times a year to say words. He sincerely hopes you like the words...


Experience more of Bill’s story, and Tony’s performance, in the first episode of Enter The House Between.

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