Monday, April 10, 2023

2 Days to Launch: Meet Arlo

At just 19 years old, Arlo (no known last name) is one of the most mysterious denizens of the smart house and Enter The House Between.  

As a child, his family died during a freak tornado, and since then, Arlo has exhibited obsessive compulsive behaviors regarding belongings, as well as ownership of his kitchen in the house at the end of the universe, the colloquial name for the smart house he inhabited for a time.


Arlo is typically seen in his black leather jackets, jeans, black fingernail paint, and earrings. There is a naïve, innocent quality about this young man, but he also learns, with the other denizens, of his dangerous, violent anger. That anger caused him, as a baby, to manifest the tornado that ripped apart his family.


Alone among the denizens he lives with, Arlo possesses the ability to operate the house functions and manifest objects without interface with instrumentation or the household lar.  For a time, he kept his fact secret from the other denizens, until his abilities were needed to help them during crises.  Arlo became more adept at controlling his abilities after encountering a mysterious old man named Thomas, who taught him how to mentally “remove” and “add” ingredients to the world around him.  At one point, Arlo also manifested his worst nightmares, including a fearsome clown figure, Vinny Coto.


As Enter the House Between begins, Arlo is in a romantic relationship with Theresa Melita, who is helping him control his rage, so that an incident like the tornado does not recur.


Arlo is portrayed in the series by Jim Blanton. Jim is a swashbuckler at heart, though he is not onboard with the piracy with which the term is often associated.  Instead, he has opted for a life path filled with yoga, hiking, podcasting, etc., all of which remarkably provide the endless series of adventures he has sought out by accident or design. He has also recently discovered a love of stationary rowing, make of that what you will. He is not particularly afraid of tornadoes but maintains a healthy respect for their destructive power.

Finally, here is a top-secret communication intercept from the T.R.A. regarding Arlo:

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