Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!

Dear Readers,

I sincerely hope that each and every one of you has a wonderful Christmas; one filled with love and joy. 

May you and your loved ones be safe in your travels. May your hearts be filled with happiness.

Thank you for your fellowship all the year round, and have a wonderful holiday!

John Muir, and the Muir Family


  1. And I send you likewise all my best wishes for this
    holiday season kind sir, along with my thanks for
    the many hours of enjoyment your blog has given
    me over the years.

  2. John, all the best to your family too this Christmas day and in 2018.


  3. Merry (belated) Christmas and Happy New Year, John!

    I'm a little late to the proceedings; just returned from a trip visiting friends and family, but am getting back to speed and caught up with your writings.

    Looking forward to 2018, and reading your comments on genre entertainment from both the past, present and future!

