Friday, December 18, 2015

Star Wars Week: Final Post

Well, Star Wars Week is officially at an end!

I hope you have enjoyed re-visiting the saga with me.

As this is scheduled to post, I am sitting in a theater in Charlotte, NC, continuing a journey I began in the summer of 1977, when I was in second grade...and seven years old.

This time -- and for this Star Wars -- I have my nine year old son, Joel, at my side.

In fact (don't tell anybody) I took him out of school early to go see the film with my wife and me.  

Look for my review of The Force Awakens here on the blog, next Tuesday morning.

Let's all hope the Force is with J.J. Abrams, and all the relentless hype isn't just trying to sell an inferior product.  

Let's have a "new hope" instead that we are about to see a stimulating, exciting, joyous film that catapults Star Wars into its fifth decade!

May the Force Be With You All.

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