Monday, October 19, 2015

The Cult-TV Faces of: The Psycho House

Identified by SGB: Boris Karloff's Thriller.

Identified by SGB: Laredo.

Identified by SGB: Rod Serling's Night Gallery ("A Question of Fear")

Identified by SGB: Emergency.

Identified by SGB: The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries: "The House on Possessed Hill."

Identified by SGB: The Six Million Dollar Man.

Identified by SGB: Knight Rider.



Identified by SGB: Bates Motel.


  1. Hi John,

    1 Thriller
    2 Laredo
    3 Night Gallery
    4 Emergency
    5 The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries
    6 Six Million Dollar Man
    7 Knight Rider
    10 Bates Motel

    Great subject, I saw the Psycho house at Universal Studios Los Angeles, I thought it was bigger. Still it is impressive.


    1. SGB: Wow! You absolutely got all those gallery images correct! And I thought they were incredibly difficult! Nice job! I remember going to Universal Studios and seeing the house, and having the same thought. In real life, it actually looks sort of tiny! The magic of movies and TV, right?

  2. 8 Diff'rent Strokes


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"