Sunday, July 12, 2015

At Flashbak: Androids Need Love Too

This week at Flashbak, I remembered the tragic androids of cult-TV history.

Here's a snippet and the url (

"Although androids have frequently appeared as regular characters on sci-fi TV programs (Logan’s Run [1977], Star Trek: The Next Generation [1987-1994], Mann and Machine [1992]), it is their frequent guest appearances that have often remained among the most haunting.

In particular, TV androids seem to have a terrible lot when it comes to love.

You probably know the story by heart: These unlucky androids begin to develop human emotions -- love, loyalty, and compassion -- and then, suddenly, they die. 

Indeed, the presence of human emotions seems to cause terrible malfunctions in TV’s android personalities, malfunctions such as “cascade failures” in their “Positronic brains,” leaving those who love them heart-broken and alone. 

Also, notice just how often these historical androids happen to be beautiful women…

With that thought in mind, here are some of the most memorable and tragic androids in cult-TV history."

Continue reading at Flashbak.

1 comment:

  1. For my money, the most tragic android of cult TV history is Geoffrey, the title character of The Companion. Bruce Greenwood does an excellent job. Worth a look:


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"