Monday, February 24, 2014

Television and Cinema Verities #110

"It didn't satisfy any of the audiences, and I suppose a really astute marketing person would have told us to stay away from the L. Frank Baum Oz stories, because The Wizard of Oz set the tone for the audience's perception about Oz. Although The Wizard of Oz as a film was nothing like the original book, that's what people expected. So, when this film – which was an amalgamation of the second and third books, really, lumped together – came along, it was much more like L. Frank Baum's novels. But the audience that loved The Wizard of Oz didn't like it, because it wasn't a bright and bubbly musical."

-Producer Gary Kurtz discusses the box office failure of Return to Oz (1985), in an interview at IGN, from November 2002

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