Monday, February 24, 2014

Chris Carter Interview at The X-Files Lexicon

One of my favorite haunts of late has been The X-Files Lexicon. The site and writer Matt Allair recently posted a new interview with Chris Carter, whose pilot, The After is my current obsession.  

Matt: The X-Files and Millennium thematically had a dialog between science and religion; will The After be a continuation of that dialog, or do you see it going in a completely different direction?

Chris: No, I think for me, those were the two big questions in life (chuckle) and so they inform everything, even if they don’t inform it directly. So I’m sure you’ll see those questions come up, but hopefully in as entertaining a way as possible.

Orodromeus: Selling The X-Files to FOX famously involved bringing forth statistics about alien abductions in the USA. What did it take to sell The After?

Chris: Really the script just sort of sold itself. I got it out there, Amazon saw it and liked it, which is pretty much all of the sales pitch I had. I met with Joe Lewis from Amazon once and we had a nice conversation, but beyond that I think the script sold itself.

Click on over and read the whole interview, but it's a great piece, and one that adds to our better understanding of the pilot.  

Also, while you're there, check out a great post on my other obsession, Space:1999 called "Pilgrims through the Void.

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AF Episode 5: "The Doll"