Saturday, February 08, 2014

Cult-TV Gallery: Gladiators

 The Outer Limits: "Fun and Games"

 "Amok Time."

 The Starlost: "The Goddess Calabra"

 Planet of the Apes: "The Gladiators"

Space:1999: "The Rules of Luton."

 Blake's 7: "Duel"

 V: "The Champion"

 Angel: "The Ring"

 Farscape: "That Old Black Magic"

 Star Trek: Voyager: "Tsunkatse"

Firefly: "Shindig"

 Smallville: "Dominion"

1 comment:

  1. Good selections. You also could have included Buck Rogers against Tigerman from Buck Rogers In 25th Century(1979-1981).



70 Years Ago: The Naked Jungle (1954)

I had an English teacher in high school -- a very long time ago -- who insisted that my sophomore class read classic short-story after class...