Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Reader Top Ten Greatest Toys of Childhood: Sean McCormack

My dear friend Sean McCormack (and fellow horror enthusiast) is the first reader out of the gate to send a “top ten” toys of childhood list.  Sean’s choices are great ones, as you will see.

Sean writes:

10) Yoda hand puppet (1981)

9) Hugo Man of 1000 Faces playset

8.) Alien movie viewer (1979)

7) AT-AT (1981)

6) Darth Vader Big Action Figure (1978)

5) Steve Austin doll

4) Evel Knievel doll & bike (1975)

3) Kermit & Animal Muppets (1980)

2) Millenium Falcon (1979)

1) stuffed King Kong (1976)

Honorable Mentions:
Mego-Softies (Lone Ranger, Superman, Spiderman)
Shogan Warriors Dragun and Godzilla

I also had a stuffed or plush Kong from the 1970s Dino De Laurentiis movie, and absolutely loved it as well, Sean.  I had the toy in two sizes, actually, and one of them was huge, as I recall.  

I also remember well the thrill of getting the Empire Strikes Back AT-AT for Christmas.  In fact, I still have mine from 1981, though I have given it to Joel at this point.  He now has two walkers!

I must also confess that until your list, I had completely forgotten about Hugo - The Man of a Thousand Faces from Kenner.  So cool...

Readers, don’t forget to send your “top ten toys of childhood lists” to Muirbusiness@yahoo.com, and I’ll post them on the blog.

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