Monday, July 02, 2012

The Cult-TV Faces of: Ambassadors

Identified by Brian: Mission: Impossible: James Daly as Ambassador Wilson in "Shock."

Identified by Brian: Ambassador Fox (Gene Lyons) on Star Trek: "A Taste of Armageddon."

Identified by Brian: Ambassador Nancy Hedford (Elinor Donohue) on Star Trek: "Metamorphosis."

Identified by Brian: Ambassador Sarek (Mark Lenard) on Star Trek: "Journey to Babel."

Identified by Brian: Jonathan Harris in Get Smart: "How Green was My Valet."

Identified by PDS: Ambassador Andros (Tim O'Connor) in Wonder Woman: "Judgment from Outer Space."
Identified by Brian: Ruathan Ambassador, Buck Rogers: "Planet of the Amazon Women."

Identified by Brian: Ambassador Duvoe (Mark Lenard) in Buck Rogers: "Journey to Oasis."

Identified by Brian: Alien Ambassador (John Glover) in The Twilight Zone: "A Small Talent for War."

Identified by Brian: Ambassador T'Pel (Sierra Pecheur) on ST: TNG: "Data's Day."
Identified by Brian: Ambassador Spock (Leonard Nimoy): ST: TNG: "Unification."
Identified by Brian: Ambassador Picard (Patrick Stewart): ST:TNG: "Future Imperfect."
Identified by Brian: Selay Amassador, ST:TNG: "Lonely Among Us."

Identified by Brian: Ambassador Londo Mollari (Peter Jurasik) on Babylon 5.

Identified by Brian: Ambassador Delenn (Mira Furlan) on Babylon 5.

Identified by Brian: Ambassador G'Kar (Andreas Katsulas) on Babylon 5.

Identified by Brian: Ambassador Kosh (Ardwright Chamberlain) on Babylon 5.

Identified by Brian: Ambassador Soval (Gary Graham) on Star Trek: Enterprise.
Identified by Brian: Ambassador Ovirda (Victor Garber) on SGU: "Seizure."


  1. I'll leave all of Star Trek entries to others and just point out that #6 is Andros, who appeared in two two-part episodes of "Wonder Woman" -- "Judgement from Outer Space" and "The Mind Stealers from Outer Space."

    1. Hi PDS,

      You are correct! #6 is Andros (Tim O'Connor) from Wonder Woman! Great job, and great start to today's gallery.


  2. 1. arg, no idea, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, maybe?
    2. Star Trek - Fox, "Galileo Seven"
    3. Star Trek - Hedford, "Metamorphosis"
    4. Star Trek - Sarek, "Journey to Babel"
    5. Get Smart (Jonathan Harris)
    6. darn... Tim O'Connor... Six Million Dollar Man?
    7. Buck Rogers
    8. Buck Rogers - Mark Lenard again!
    9. Twilight Zone - "A Small Talent For War"
    10. Star Trek TNG - ("Sarek"?)
    11. Star Trek TNG - Spock, "Unification"
    12. Star Trek TNG - Picard ("Future Imperfect"?)
    13. Star Trek TNG - Selay
    14. Babylon 5 - Londo Mollari
    15. B5 - Delen
    16. B5 - G'Kar
    17. B5 - Kosh
    18. Star Trek: Enterprise
    19. Stargate Universe?

    1. Hi Brian,

      You really tore through that list, my friend! Wow!

      The only quibbles would be with #2 - right ambassador, wrong episode! And # 10, Right series, wrong episode! Otherwise, positively brilliantly done!

      Great job!


  3. 10, 11, 12, 13: ST TNG. 11 is spock, 12 picard, 13 is the guys from the episode "the perfect mate", i think.

    14, 15, 16, 17: Babylon 5. 14 is Molarri, 15 is Delenn, 16 is G'Kar, 17 is Kosh.

    18: ST Enterprise. Ambasador whatshisname. Soval.

    19: SGU. Ambasador whatshisname. Sydney's father. Ovirda.

    1. Jay-Jay,

      Masterful job, but Brian beat you to the punch by just a little! Still, you did a fantastic job recognizing this diplomatic bunch.

      #13 is from "Lonely Among Us."

      All that's left on this list, #1!!!

      Great job!


  4. Is # 1 space 1999?

    1. Hi Carl,

      That's a good guess, especially given my love of Space:1999. However, image #1 is not from 1999. However, it does share its stars with that series...


  5. I'm less embarrassed about getting #10 wrong than #2, since I'm far more familiar with TOS than TNG. Ah, I'm getting old...

    And I suppose #1 is Mission: Impossible, from your clue.

    Thanks again for another great brain teaser!

    1. Hi Brian,

      Nothing at all to be embarrassed about. You totally defeated today's brain teaser. Great job! If the shoe were on the other foot, and I had to remember all these, I doubt I'd do half as well as you do on a regular basis!

      #1 is indeed from Mission Impossible. It's James Daly in the first season episode "Shock!"



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