Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sci-Fi Wisdom of the Week

"Don't give me any of that intelligent life crap, just give me something I can blow up."

- Dark Star (1974) 


  1. Anonymous10:59 AM

    -laughs and applauds- Gods, I love that movie. Talking phenomenology with the bomb - beautiful stuff.

    -goes to look for his DVD-

  2. For anyone who doesn't have it, if you look around the video section of AMC's website, they have said film up for your streaming pleasure.

  3. Hi folks,

    I'm a huge fan of Dark Star too. A terrific space comedy, and those are hard to do (see: Galaxina; The Ice Pirates...). Good to know AMC is showing/streaming Dark Star.

    All my best,


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"