Friday, March 18, 2011

Don't Forget: Space 2011 - American Culture and The Final Frontier, on March 21st

Just a quick reminder and heads-up to everyone: I'll be lecturing at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm this coming Monday, March 21st. 

The subject of the 90-minute talk is how space-adventure TV programs from Star Trek through SGU reflect their times, and mirror the national and international Zeitgeist.  

This talk is free and open to the public, as well as students and faculty.

For more about the program, check it out here

I'd love to meet some readers of the blog while I'm at this speaking engagement in Va., so if you are in the area and can make it to the talk, please stop by. 

I'll also  be selling copies of Exploring Space:1999, An Analytical Guide to Battlestar Galactica, A Critical History of Dr. Who and my other books starting at 6:00 pm, immediately after the show.

I hope I'll see some of you there.  If not, don't worr: I'll be taking my sci-fi and horror seminars on the road in months to come, and will be posting more about that schedule here soon.


  1. Good luck, John. I'm sure this will turn out to be a blast for those attending (see, I can be generous to those in the vicinity able to be present at your talk... no one can't see I'm green with envy). Thanks.

  2. Hi Le0pard13

    Thank you for the good wishes, my buddy. I think everyone had a good time, and I too wish you could have been there!



AF Episode 5: "The Doll"