Friday, October 27, 2006

How I Blog These Days...

Well, I'm learning to type one-handed lately. This picture explains why. Yes. I do look very sleepy, don't I?


  1. That's cute. But once your kid is a little older those little fingers will be trying to do your typing for you.

  2. Anonymous3:37 PM

    And if you end up doing those late-night bottle feedings, you'll have to learn to balance the bottle under your chin while holding Joel with one hand and typing with the other

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    John, you need one of those baby back-packs. I don't care whether it's a chest pack or one of those papoose carriers (actually, I do care if it's a papoose because you need to take the back off your chair), but it will keep the creature fully pressed against you at all times, but free your hands for blogging... and editing video.

  4. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Is the Muirling sucking nourishment from your neck? That would explain your zombie-like stare.

  5. The Muirling is sucking nourishment from my neck, as a matter of fact. And zombie-like stares are about all I can muster lately, smart lady!

    You'll pay for your smart aleck remarks, with tons of crack-ass shots of Astrid in THB.

  6. :-D I love reading everyone's comments... they put a smile on my face.
    I love how the Joelster has his arm around your shoulder. I was like Aaaaaawww! Yeah, I said it real girly like, too.

  7. Anonymous1:37 AM

    That photo represents contentment, happiness, reflection... and exhaustion! Put simply: Fatherhood. Savor the moments, John. Congratulations to you and Kathryn, too! :-) :-)


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"