Saturday, September 02, 2006

Where the Hell Have I Been?

Hey everybody.

I'm baaaaaaaaack!!! My deadline is passed; my book is complete. And I'm very happy with the results.

The book I just finished is for Applause Theatre and Cinema Books, and shall be published in June, 2007. It's called TV Year (Volume 1).

Here's a sneak preview of what it looks like:

Now, Johnny Boy is back to blogging (and editing The House Between). Ah, it's nice to be back...


  1. Congratulations on making your deadline! When can I pre-order a copy?


  2. John -

    Take a day or two off. If I make a deadline, I usually observe the following week as a festival, as per Ancient Roman law.


  3. congrats on finishing the book! Now that you have some time, when are we hanging out? I've got something for you, but I suppose I can wait till the shower.


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"