Monday, March 06, 2006

March Muir Column up at Far Sector

My March '06 column is "live" over at the new issue of Far Sector and it's a review of the PG-13 horror movie from 2005 that filmed at my alma mater, the University of Richmond. That movie is Cry_Wolf, and here's a clip from Cry_Wolf and Let Slip the Dogs of War:

We all end up with the horror movies we deserve, to misquote somebody famous. Although rarely a fan of PG-13 horror films, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of a 2005 effort I just screened last night on DVD. It’s called Cry_Wolf and it was directed by newcomer Jeff Wadlow.

In a glitzy, streamlined fashion, this unassuming teen horror flick accurately reflects the state of our country right now. It taps into the prevailing Zeitgeist, and how this production reflects some of our current national crises makes for an interesting, if not overly deep, contribution to the genre.

To read more about my surprising conclusion that I actually liked this modern product of corporate, soulless Hollywood horror, go

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