Wednesday, November 09, 2005

TV REVIEW: Surface, Episode # 7

Okay. I'm really, really getting into this sci-fi TV series now. Although it was off the air for a week or two, the momentum from Surface, episode # 6 has certainly carried over here to the seventh show. This was one of the most fast-moving and entertaining installments yet...and it also featured a long, lingering look at star Lake Bell (playing Laura Daughtery)stripping down to panties and bra. Yowza!

The story this week moves the story arc along quite a bit. After a special effects "teaser" that depicts a small jet breaking up in a storm (caused by a herd of the sea monsters...), the continuing plotlines all develop nicely. The government conspiracy takes another step forward, with the late Cirko's project "de-funded" and dropped by the military, relegated to a concern of the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Far away, in North Carolina, young Miles (Carter Jenkins) finds himself in deep legal trouble after stealing a car to protect the baby monster, Nimrod, and ultimately must send his lizardly-friend back to the ocean in a finale -- I must admit -- I found moving. I'm just a sucker for the boy-pet relationship, and having lost pets myself, I felt more than a little sad when the duo split up. Of course, I don't think we've seen the last of Nimrod. I think he'll be returning to the school of sea monsters, and maybe he'll turn the tide at a critical moment, saving humanity, because of his experiences with this boy. Or maybe not.

Elsewhere, Dr. Daughtery and Rich (Jay Ferguson) set up camp on a remote beach, and share an interesting experience with a secret marine specimen and a refrigerator (!). Here we see the alien (is it alien?) lifeform sucking energy from a power outlet, and learn that these creatures may have a home deep down in the sea, inside a wide crater. Thus Rich and Laura decide to build a makeshift submarine to investigate. I presume we'll find out next week what they find down there. I also liked that this week Rich acknowledged how hot Laura is. I mean, come on. She's a major league hottie, and even though he's a married man, he'd still notice.

As I've said before, Surface is an unholy amalgam of all the best "family" sci-fi movies of the last thirty years...yet still incredibly entertaining (and getting more so with each story). As I watched it this week, I admired the fact that the writers are willing to let the story develop. Things aren't just staying stagnant. The Miles/Nimrod story has no changed irrevocably, and I'm glad we're not going to stay with the housebound lizard hijinks anymore. Time to move on.

If Surface keeps moving at this pace and keeps providing new discoveries, it's going to become the most compelling sci-fi drama on TV. I started out feeling very ambivalent about the series, but now I get excited every time Monday night rolls around.

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