Sunday, November 06, 2005

STAR WARS BLOGGING: Prepping for the Saga

In the next few days, I'll be blogging the entire Star Wars saga in sequential order right here; from Episode I: The Phantom Menace to Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. I intend to do undertake this great task with an open mind; without pre-judging a particular experience, or falling back on old criticisms. I will be watching all the films with a close eye to see how they fit to make a coherent whole; and searching for underlying themes and so on.

I hope that as readers you will also watch the Star Wars movies again in chronological order and share your thoughts with me. I am starting this post because Star Wars is a significant work of art in our culture, and I want to study -- with a fresh outlook - how it speaks to our times. I want to understand the epic as mythology; as grand moviemaking; as one man's vision; as a statement about our world. So I will not fuss about the things I usually fuss about (too much CGI), unless I absolutely have a valid reason to do so; a reason based on my new watching of the saga. I will not take anything for granted; and I will endeavor to be objective and honest and call everything just as I see it. I hope you will watch me to make sure I stick to my guns on this.

I am going to be a blank slate here; sucking it all in, as if for the first time. I want no pre-conceived notions to spoil the series for me.

May the Force be with us.

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