Wednesday, September 06, 2023

One Week from Today - Enter The House Between Returns (9/13)


In just seven short days, the end-game for Season One of Enter The House Between begins.  

Episode 7 (of 9) drops next Wednesday morning, and it's called "Temple of Immensity."

The term "temple of immensity" it is an archaic one regarding the after life, or other heavenly realms. 

Long time fans of House Between lore may recall the so-called Temple of Immensity playing a role in the episode called"Distressed."

Slight spoilers ahead...

Basically, per "Distressed," throughout human history, some strange force, the Temple of Immensity had come to humanity and whisked away people to parts unknown (at the lost colony of Roanoke, aboard the Marie Celeste, and so forth).   

That force and that name was given a different name in later episodes: the dark matter dimension.

So, next week, on 9/13 get ready to be whisked away....

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