Monday, October 09, 2017

The Cult-TV Faces of Wax Figures

Identified by Hugh; Alfred Hitchcock Presents

Identified by Hugh: Thriller.

Identified by Hugh: The Twilight Zone

Identified by Hugh: Star Trek: "Shore Leave."

Identified by Hugh: Batman.

Identified by Hugh: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

Identified by Hugh: Logan's Run

Identified by Hugh: Scooby Doo

Identified by Hugh: The Monster Squad

Identified by Hugh: The Incredible Hulk

Identified by Hugh: the Simpsons

Identified by Hugh: Supernatural

Identified by Hugh: Penny Dreadful


  1. 1. Alfred Hitchcock Presents
    2. Thriller w/Boris Karloff
    3. Twilight Zone
    4. Star Trek
    5. Batman
    6. Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
    7. Logan's Run
    8. Scooby Doo
    9. Monster Squad
    10. Incredible Hulk
    11. Simpsons
    12. Supernatural
    13. Penny Dreadful
    (Have you seen the short "Hollywood on Parade," with wax figures of Dracula--played again by Lugosi--and Betty Boop coming to life?)

    1. Well done, Hugh! I have not see that short. I will have to watch it!


Abnormal Fixation Episode 6: "Zeigarnik"

 Here is the conclusion of episode 1 of Abnormal Fixation: "Zeigarnik!"   Please enjoy (but also like and subscribe, and leave a c...