Monday, March 06, 2017

King Kong Week: The Cult-TV Faces of: Apes

Identified by Hugh. Magilla Gorilla

Identified by Pierre Fontaine The King Kong Show.

Identified by Hugh: Lost in Space.

Identified by Pierre: Rod Serling's Night Gallery.

Identified by Hugh: Planet of the Apes.

Identified by Pierre: Kolchak - The Night Stalker.

Identified by Hugh: Land of the Lost.

Identified by Hugh: The Ghost Busters

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: Return to the Planet of the Apes.

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: Space:1999.


Identified by Pierre Fontaine: Ark II.

Identified by Pierre: Wonder Woman.

Identified by Hugh: Grape Ape.
Not Identified

Identified by Pierre Fontaine: Buck Rogers.

Identified by Hugh: The Simpsons.

Not Identified

Identified by Hugh: MST-3K.


  1. 1. Magila Gorilla
    3. Lost In Space
    5. Planet of the Apes
    7. Land of the Lost
    8. Ghost Busters
    9. Return to the Planet of the Apes
    13. Grape Ape
    16. Simpsons
    17. Flash
    18. MST3K

    1. Excellent job, Hugh. All correct except #17. :)

  2. 1. Magilla Gorilla
    2. King Kong (Rankin Bass animated show)
    3. Lost In Space - Fugitives In Space (these were actual Planet Of The Apes prosthetics)
    4. Night Gallery "Hatred Onto Death"
    5. Planet Of The Apes TV show
    6. The Night Stalker - Primal Screan
    7. Land Of The Lost - Cha Ka
    8. The Ghostbusters
    9. Return To The Planet Of The Apes cartoon show
    10. Space:1999 (Maya in gorilla form, season 2)
    11. Ark II - Adam
    12. Wonder Woman - Wonder Woman vs. Gargantua
    13. Grape Ape
    15. Buck Rogers - Happy Birthday Buck
    16. The Simpsons (The Planet Of The Apes:The Broadway Musical)
    18. Mystery Science Theater 3000

    1. Pierre,

      You rock! You filled in virtually all the remaining ids!

  3. 1. The Magilla Gorilla Show
    5. Planet of the Apes
    7. Land of the Lost (Chaka)
    9. Return to the Planet of the Apes (animated series)
    10. Space 1999 (Maya)
    11. Ark II
    12. Wonder Woman (versus Gargantua)
    13. The Great Grape Ape Show
    15. Buck Rogers
    16. The Simpsons, "A Fish Called Selma"

  4. 1. The Magilla Gorilla Show
    5. Planet of the Apes
    7. Land of the Lost (Chaka)
    9. Return to the Planet of the Apes (animated series)
    10. Space 1999 (Maya)
    11. Ark II
    12. Wonder Woman (versus Gargantua)
    13. The Great Grape Ape Show
    15. Buck Rogers
    16. The Simpsons, "A Fish Called Selma"

  5. Hi John,

    King Kong is back!

    #1 Magilla Gorilla
    #2 King Kong animated series 1966
    #3 Lost In Space
    #4 Hight Gallery "Hatred Unto Death"
    #5 Planet Of The Apes CBS tv series
    #6 Kolchak:The Night Stalker "primal scream"
    #7 Land Of The Lost
    #8 Ghost Busters
    #9 Return To The Planet Of The Apes
    #10 Space:1999 "The Lambda Factor"
    #11 Ark II {Adam}
    #12 Wonder Woman
    #13 Grape Ape

    #15 Buck Rogers In The 25th Century



  6. I forgot to enter these:

    #16 Simpsons

    #18 MST3K


  7. I think I can identify two here:

    Number one is Magilla the Gorilla, from a Hanna-Barbera cartoon produced in the mid-1960s.

    And number five is from the Planet of the Apes TV show broadcast on CBS in late 1974.

  8. Nothing yet? WE'll see how I do.

    1. Magilla Gorilla
    2. The King Kong Show.
    3. Lost In Space
    5. Planet of the Apes
    7. Land of the lost
    8. Ghost Busters
    9. Planet of the Apes (cartoon)
    11. Ark II
    12. Bigfoot and Wild Boy (but just a guess)
    13. The Great Grape Ape Show
    15. Buck Rogers (maybe)
    16. The Simpsons
    18. MST3K


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