Sunday, January 29, 2017

Robots of the 1990s: A Gallery

Pound for pound, it seems like 1990s cinema and TV series did not feature many robots, at least in comparison to the seventies and eighties. 

Robots guest starred on episodes of the ascendant Star Trek franchise infrequently, and old designs, like the Lost in Space robot, or Mecha-Godzilla, were re-booted for a new age.

Still, some amazing robots appeared for the first time in the 1990s, including the (animated) Iron Giant, and the new droids of the Old Republic Age, in The Phantom Menace (1999).

Identified by David: Hardware (Mark 13)

Identified by Hugh: Robocop 2

Not Identified: Robot Jox

Identified by Hugh: Star Trek: The Next Generation "Quality of Life" (Exocomps)

Identified by SGB: Alien 3 (Bishop)

Identified by David: MechaGodzilla.

Identified by Hugh: Earth 2

Identified by Hugh: Space Precinct

Identified by Hugh: Star Trek Voyager: "Prototype."

Identified by Hugh: Alien Resurrection (Call)

Identified by Hugh: Lost in Space (1998)

Identified by Hugh: The Iron Giant

Identified by Hugh: Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (1999)/Battle Droids


  1. 2. RoboCop 2
    4. Star Trek: The NExt Generation
    7. Earth 2
    8. Space Precinct
    9. Star Trek: Voyager
    10. Aliens Resurrection
    11. Lost in Space
    12. Iron Giant
    13. Phantom Menace

  2. Hi John,

    #4 ST:Next Generation
    #5 Alien 3 [Bishop]

    #7 Earth 2
    #8 Gerry Anderson’s ‘Space Precinct’
    #9 ST Voyager [Prototype]
    #10 Alien Resurrection [Call]
    #11 Lost In Space(1998)
    #12 The Iron Giant (1999)
    #13 Star Wars prequels [Battle Droids]


  3. 1. Mark 13-Hardware.
    2. Robocop Mark 2-Robocop 2.
    6. Mecha Godzilla-Godzilla vs. Mecha Godzilla.


Abnormal Fixation Episode 6: "Zeigarnik"

 Here is the conclusion of episode 1 of Abnormal Fixation: "Zeigarnik!"   Please enjoy (but also like and subscribe, and leave a c...