Sunday, September 01, 2013

Reader Top Ten Greatest Science Fiction Films Circa 2000 - 2013: David Read

Reader David Read provides us a list for Sunday morning, and the first day of September:

He writes: "So.... sci-fi films - 2000 to 2013, that got me thinking... In no particular order.

1. Moon. 

I really enjoyed this (much more than source code which essentially dealt with the same subject).  People often think it would be great to be born again... But what we want is for us reborn, memories and all, so we can carry on...

 2. Super 8

 What a great film, I enjoyed it on so many retro levels, but the anamorphic lens flares sold it to me! It was like a 2-hr homage to Dean Cundey!

3. War of the Worlds.  

Shame it had Tom Cruise in it, as his version of a tortured soul just looks angry, and this always lessens sympathy with him, which can be a good thing, but not this time. I think in many ways it is quite critical of America, and despite the ending, not a feel good film. I did enjoy Minority Report, but the fact half way through it came to resemble any other Tom Cruise actioner left me a foul taste in my mouth

4. The Mist

A strange film, which does stay in the mind.. If only for the ending.  I say strange, because you realise that the whole film is like a huge evil joke leading to a punch line.  And upon looking back on the film, that really seems to overshadow all readings of the film.

5. Pitch Black.

Yes it introduced Riddick, for which we are truly sad, but the original was a lean mean machine and the perfect Saturday night after a beer movie.

6. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

A SciFi chick flick? No! I really enjoyed this meditation on memories and love lost and found.  Carey was just terrific, and it is well worth re watching!

7.  Vikaren

Ole Bornedal has a lot of talent. The original Nightwatch is terrific.  I really enjoyed this, it has a vibe akin to Super 8, and the kids performances are top notch, as Is Paprika Steen.

8. Doomsday

I guess it should have been better than this, but I couldn't help enjoying this Carpenter / Miller mash up from Neil Marshall. Plus it will probably end up being better than any EFNY remake...

9. Slither.

Horror, comedy and Nathan Fillion, what's not to like.  Hardly a classic, but a difficult film not to enjoy.

10. The Mothman Prophecies

What I like best about the film is its rhythm, the story and plot are very thin, and it should pay like a bad episode of the Outer Limits, but it doesn't, it unnerves, and that is a great compliment.

Serenity would be in, but Firefly exists and I'd rather watch that.  How come no one has mentioned Battlefield Earth or Jason X.   ;-)"

David: I really enjoyed reading your list, and it looks like you have added more titles for me to see (Doomsday, Vikaren…).

Reader results to follow soon!


  1. David
    Enjoyed your list and I am so annoyed with myself that I hadn't even considered The Mist.

    I love that film and even if many would see it leaning in horror it very much has a great deal of science fiction going on and I would have picked it as well.

    Nice one.

    John, the pressure got to me. : )

  2. It's tricky on the Sci Fi / Horror line, I would have put Blade II in, but that would have been pushing it a bit!


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