Monday, February 04, 2013

The Cult-TV Faces of: Romans

Identified by Hugh: The Adventures of Superman: "Great Caesar's Ghost."

Identified by Hugh: Doctor Who: "The Romans."

Identified by Hugh: The Time Tunnel: "Revenge of the Gods."

Identified by Hugh: Star Trek: "Bread and Circuses."

Identified by Hugh: Lost in Space: "The Space Destructors."

Identified by Hugh: I, Claudius.

Identified by woodchuckgod: Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Identified by T.S.: Atia (Polly Walker) and Marc Antony ( James Purefoy) in HBO's Rome (2005 - 2007.)

Identified by Hugh: Doctor Who: "The Fires of Pompeii."

Identified by Hugh: Doctor Who: "The Pandorica Opens."

Identified by Hugh: Spartacus.


  1. 1. Adventures of Superman
    2. Doctor Who (the original--"The Romans")
    3. Time Tunnel
    4. Star Trek
    5. Lost in Space
    6. I, Claudius
    9. Doctor Who (new--"Fires of Pompeii")
    10. Doctor Who (new--"The Pandorica Opens")
    11. Spartacus

    1. Hi Hugh,

      You know your Roman cult television, sir! Well-done and awesome. All identifications are correct.

  2. Anonymous7:20 AM

    #7) MST3K

    1. Indeed! Great job, woodchuckgod. That's from the Sci-Fi Channel years of MST3K. The satellite of love time traveled to ancient Rome.

  3. Anonymous10:56 AM

    8. Atia and Marc Antony from HBO's Rome



AF Episode 5: "The Doll"