Monday, July 04, 2011

Happy July 4th!

Enjoy the fireworks...


  1. Great picture, and also appropriate. If only they had turned the storyline into three hours---Part I one hour the first week, and Part II two hours the first week. Then they could have avoid a few of the 'rushed-because-there's-too-much-happening' feelings and properly given the crew the true welcome home.

    Happy Independence Day to you!

  2. Happy July 4th to you, PDXWiz!

    I agree with you.

    Voyager ended rather abruptly, as though we simply wanted to see the ship "reach" Earth. There was more to it than that: we wanted a homecoming; the joy of the crew setting foot on Earth again, and also the sadness at realizing that this cohesive unit -- this crew -- would no longer be together. We wanted to have our emotions lifted; and then, also, experience a touch of sadness at the "end of a journey."

    The final episode, "Endgame," really, really failed on that basis. I wish it weren't the case...


  3. Sorry John, but I think that Endgame was enough. Dragging it out to get every last ounce of boo-hoo-hoo's and goodbyes would have been too much; also, if you remember, TNG didn't go out that way either, it just ended with Picard finally joining the crew for the weekly poker game after seven years of not bothering to do so. It think that both TNG and Voyager's endings fit the respective shows like a glove-Picard realizing that he should experience every bit of life that he can and what true exploration is, and the Voyager crew finally defeating the Borg (at least for a while anyway) and getting their asses home with everybody on board-besides, we already had a reunion of sorts in Part One during the future sequences, and also it's better to use your imagination rather than have to have things spealt out for you (something that I think you've always wanted waay too much from Voyager to begin with.)

  4. Hi Lionel,

    Funny, I always thought the end of The Next Generation "All Good Things" was pretty terrible too. After seven years, Captain Picard realizes it would be nice and helpful to actually connect to his crew-people on a human level. Helluva time to figure that out...the last show!

    As for Voyager, there is, again, no acknowledgment of the human factor. The series ends when the Borg defeated and Earth is in sight, and with no nod, again, to the fact that we've spent seven years with these people and would like to see an emotion -- any emotion -- regarding the fact that they are home, and separation is imminent.

    The final moments of "Endgame" seems abrupt and slapped together; just like the ridiculous notion of a Chakotay-Seven romance.

    Wanting way too much from Voyager? How about just a modicum of decent, original storytelling? I would have settled for that.



AF Episode 5: "The Doll"