Friday, July 08, 2011

Cameron Curriculum Film Schedule!

I've had a couple of delightful e-mails today from bloggers and readers who want to keep up with our summer event here on the films of James Cameron.

Here's the schedule as I've got it planned.  I hope to have all my reviews up between Wednesday and Friday of every week.  Whether it is posted on Wednesday or Friday depends largely on the complexity of the review. 

For the week of July 11th: The Abyss (1989); Special Edition. 

For the week of July 18: Avatar (2009)

For the week of July 25: Titanic (1997)

For the week of August 1st: True Lies (199)

For the week of August 8: The Terminator (1984)

For the Week of  August 15: T2 (1991)

So if you want to join in the fun, get to watching (and thinking about...) these great Cameron films. I haven't seen Titanic in probably a decade and feel extremely curious about how it holds up in 2011.


  1. Cool! However, a question may be in order since we're talking James Cameron and his penchant for releasing different versions of his films to disc. Which of these will you (and your readers) pre-/re-watch?:
    Avatar - original theatrical cut or the later extended edition?
    T2 - original theatrical cut, special edition (+16 minutes of footage), or extended special edition (+18 minutes of footage)?

    Sorry to complicate things, John. Thanks.

  2. Hi Le0pard13,

    No need to apologize at all, my friend! For Avatar let's do the extended edition; and for T2 the extended special edition. Let's go whole hog!


  3. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Outstanding. Looking forward to it!

  4. Good schedule. It would be interesting to see Titanic on the big screen again: how well will it hold up now?

    I think you will have a fabulous summer of James Cameron! (And us, by extension.)

    Gordon Long

  5. Hi everyone,

    I hope you'll all be aboard this week as we venture into...The Abyss!

    Seriously though, I'm just as excited to be tackling Avatar and Titanic in the weeks ahead. Looking across Cameron's film career, there are very few (if any) big disappointments.



AF Episode 5: "The Doll"