Sunday, August 01, 2010

Kindertrauma reviews Nightmares in Red, White and Blue...

If you follow this blog, you probably recall that I'm featured as one of the talking heads in the upcoming documentary on the evolution of the American horror film, Nightmares in Red, White and Blue.

Well, the movie -- now available on Demand -- just got a fantastic review over at one of my all-time favorite horror blogs, Kindertrauma

But what's really wonderful is that my heretofore unrecognized singing talent is also being appreciated.


a snippet, but go read the whole great review:

"Seriously kids, after the recent and excellent NEVER SLEEP AGAIN, I figured I’d have to wait a couple years at least for another outstanding documentary on horror and yet here is NIGHTMARES IN RED WHITE AND BLUE. You may be thinking, “How the hell are they gonna cram the whole history of American horror into one film?” and the answer is…editing, like, really good editing. As I check out the IMDb I see that the film was edited by ANDREW MONUMENT the same guy who directed it, two gold stars for you ANDREW. It’s based on a book that has somehow escaped my grasp (and not for long) by author JOSEPH MADREY. You want talking heads? How ‘bout these noggins? JOHN CARPENTER, JOE DANTE , ROGER CORMAN, LARRY COHEN and GEORGE ROMERO, to name just a few. Lordy, my unofficial godfather LANCE HENRIKSEN even narrates! The only thing missing is JAMIE LEE CURTIS spoon-feeding you Activia while you watch it..."

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