Sunday, April 01, 2007


In "Visited," the fourth webisode of the online sci-fi series, THE HOUSE BETWEEN, Arlo (Jim Blanton's) act of violence in the strange house summons malevolent creatures outside in the blackness, the mysterious "Outdwellers." Meanwhile, Astrid (Kim Breeding) and Theresa (Alicia A. Wood) try to save the wounded Bill's (Tony Mercer) life, and wonder if they can trust Travis (Lee Hansen). Produced for the Lulu Show LLC by Joseph Maddrey. Written and directed by John Kenneth Muir.


  1. Anonymous4:22 AM

    The Outdwellers may just give me nightmares, with their wide eyes of nothingness. I have just watched all the episodes in sequence, and man, you've got some "Black Sun" metaphysics at play, you're giving Robert Wise a run for his money in the sheer disorientation department(the camera gliding from room to room with nerve-wracking intensity), and I particulary enjoy the Hartnell-era Who-style cliffhangers. I mean, Arlo stabbing Bill, after you softened things up with the story of the oven? Pow! And yet you allow Arlo to maintain our sympathy. I enjoyed Theresa's comeback about not chocking, kicking, or stabbing anyone, perhaps my favorite line after Travis' nasty comment about the Andes and that rugby team. Or maybe Bill's crack about "regime change". Astrid and the tape recorder gave me chills. Is that your UFO lunchbox, Mr. Muir? Very cool. And Bill's speech about the beauty of molecules was oddly touching. And as far as Travis goes, the originality on display in "Positioned" really takes the show to "Das Boot" levels of clautrophobia. But, as for the Outdwellers, in my mind(and perhaps my nightmares) the Tall Man is going to have some stiff competition. Anyway, as a hardcore
    sci-fi fan for life, I salute you, and cannot wait for the latest installment. Thank you.

  2. Michael:

    Wow! Thank you so much for that comment. Your words mean a lot to me!! I'm glad you are enjoying our show! (And I've been loving your comments on the other posts too...)

    And yes, you got it -- that's my UFO lunch box (and my viewmaster!) in "Settled"


  3. Anonymous12:43 PM

    ...and his book, and his old beat-up tape player. The sheets and lipstick are mine. ;-)

    Glad to hear we have a raving fan! I cannot WAIT for all you guys to see "Mirrored" - MUAHAHAHAHAH!

  4. Anonymous9:05 PM





AF Episode 5: "The Doll"