Tuesday, August 01, 2006

August column up at Far Sector

This month's JKM column at the E-Zine Far Sector is now posted! Check it out. The subject is the advent of independent TV, and my own spearhead into that venture, The House Between.

Here's a sample:

I suspect that independent and enterprising artists will very soon be fashioning their own Internet series. I predict these projects will be highly individual, curious, spiky and strange…and not at all like the homogenized entertainment we’ve grown accustomed to in the boob tube.

I have evidence, in fact, that this is happening because—hopefully—I’m on the vanguard. To wit: not long ago, I scripted, produced, cast, directed and edited my very own science fiction “series” called The House Between. It will be streamed online in late 2006 or early 2007.

We steered our own ship, without committee, without interference. Our production team was sequestered in an empty old house during the shooting schedule. Over the span of seven very, very long days we shot seven original half-hour scripts. As you might guess from the title, the premise concerns a mysterious, Spartan house where five strangers awaken to find themselves trapped. Like the Sartre play, there are no exits, and worse…no one can fathom the reason behind this unusual captivity..."

To read more, head on over to Far Sector!


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    And you managed to work in Sid's My Way bit...genius!

  2. Hey Joey! Yeah.

    This may seem odd, but I'm actually a Sid Vicious fan.

    The original take on Arlo (though we changed the hair...) was that he was supposed to look like Sid Vicious!!

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    John, I really hope you're going to be able to make it back to I-Con next year to show "The House Between" as part of the independent film track.

  4. Hey Howard!

    Thanks for the encouragement, my friend.

    My plan - in all honesty - is to wrangle as much of my cast and crew as possible, get 'em on a bus (or in the Scion...) and trek up to I-Con with everybody in tow. We can get a merchandise table; do panel discussions, and show the episodes.

    Right now, that's my intention. I started mentioning it to cast members this weekend, and we'll see how schedules go...

  5. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Where are we going? Take me, take me!

  6. Hey Astrid, pretty lady. I-Con is up at Stony Brook in Long Island. Very nice (very big...) campus, replete with a recording studio where Howard hosts his weekly radio show, Destinies.

    I've been to the con twice in '04 and '05, and it's great fun and heavily populated. You must come.

    Usually it's in the Spring, sometime between the last week of March and early April. This year, the con started on the day my dad had his surgery at Johns Hopkins, so we missed it.

    But you definitely must go. We will scoop you up in VA and trek north for three days and three nights of glorious con-going!

    Once you've shared a hotel with John Kenneth Muir, you'll never be the same. Just ask Alicia...


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"