Wednesday, July 12, 2006

To Mr. Merlin, a Fond Farewell...

I just read the sad news that Barnard Hughes has passed away at age 90. This talented actor is famous to my generation for his appearance as the Walt Disney-type character in the 1982 special effects epic, Tron as well as his role as Corey Haim and Jason Patric's eccentric grandfather in the 1987 vampire film, The Lost Boys. In the case of the latter film, he gave The Lost Boys its memorable final line...

Yet, I tell you, I'll always remember Hughes for his performance in the short-lived 1981 TV sitcom, Mr. Merlin. The premise of that pretty obscure show is that Hughes was indeed the wizard Merlin...but living in modern (or eighties...) suburban America. Clark Brandon was the youngster who learned his secret and became Mr. Merlin's apprentice. I'm sure wackiness ensued, and I can't objectively speak for the real quality of that sitcom since I haven't seen it since I was twelve years-old. But I loved the show at the time, and have enjoyed Mr. Hughes' performances ever since. He always brought a special charm, quirkiness and warmth to his portrayals, and boasted a magnificent career in Hollywood.

So I bid a sad (but appreciative...) farewell to this talented actor, and grieve with his family in their time of loss.

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AF Episode 5: "The Doll"