Thursday, June 15, 2006

Another Star Trek XI Tidbit

This little clip about the upcoming Star Trek 11 landed in my e-mail inbox last week, courtesy of my good friend, Chris (a sometimes commenter on the blog here).

The context for the info was an interview with screenwriters Alex Kurtzman and Robert Orci for Creative Screenwriting Magazine. The interview was conducted and written by senior editor, Jeff Goldsmith.

Anyway, Mr. Goldsmith asked if the new Star Trek project was going to be a re-imagination (a la BSG) or something that could be viewed as consistent with the established mythos.

Here's a clip of the response. Be sure to pick up Creative Screenwriting Magazine to read the rest of the article (which also covers M:I:3.):

"There are pockets within the universe, and we know the mythology well, and we are fans of the novels that happen between the movies and all that kind of stuff, which aren't even counted as part of the mythology sometimes and we do know that there is a space to begin to see a lot of the origins of a lot of the things we know and we're going to start there. We're very mindful of being totally true to the mythology and totally true to what's come there, and in a way try to embrace the fact there's such a rich history to it that this is not a case of trying to come in and be so clever that you're going to reinvent everything. It's a case of coming in and using the stuff you know is great and you know really works and not violating anything that's come before it."

You ask me, that sounds good. I don't want to see forty years of Star Trek undercut by a would-be auteur who thinks he's more clever than Roddenberry, Coon, Nimoy, Bennett, or Meyer. Of course, on the other hand, how hard would it be to prove cleverer than Brannon Braga? Perhaps that sounds snarky, but I'm still bristling (12...years...later...) over the way Braga and Moore handled Captain Kirk's death in Generations. (And still asking why Captain Picard didn't pick a better time to exit the Nexus...). But that, my friends, is a post for another day...


  1. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I will try to be a more regular commenter on here again instead of a sometimes commenter. I have just been busy with work and a couple of side projects.

    I am so glad that the new Trek movie will be in continuity. If there are two things in the current film world I am sick and tired of, it is remakes and re-imaginings. Trek has a great history and it would be a crime to ignore it.

    I'm glad everything went so well for the shoot last week! I can't wait to see how it turns out!


  2. Hey Chris!

    Great to hear from you buddy! Thanks for the information on Star Trek XI.

    I'm in total agreement with you about continuation rather than re-imagination. However, that doesn't mean I'm averse to seeing the return of Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty and the original characters in "new adventures."

    After all, there's the point after Star Trek: The Motion Picture and before The Wrath of Khan to explore (a five year mission?). There's the last two years of the first five year mission.

    In short, we could see those characters some more, and I'd be ecstatic.

  3. John,

    Did you read the JMS Star Trek reboot proposal from a few years ago? Wondering your opinion on that.

    My opinion on Trek? Next series or movie have the Borg (No Queen) fly in and destroy the entire Federation and have our heros on the run from cubes of death for a couple of seasons.

    : - )


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"