Thursday, April 27, 2006

Happy 23rd Anniversary to Destinies: The Voice of Science Fiction

Here's a happy shout out to Dr. Howard Margolin, the remarkable host of (and talent behind) the sublime genre radio talk-show Destinies: The Voice of Science Fiction. Howard crosses an amazing and important threshold tomorrow night -- his fine radio program celebrates twenty-three years on the air (make that twenty-three years of EXCELLENCE on the air). Yep, that means Destinies began waaaay back in April of 1983.

Howard is going to be celebrating right -- by having a coterie of strippers visit him in the studio. No, I'm just kidding!!! No strippers!! No strippers!!

Instead, Destinies will air tomorrow night at 11:30 pm with a special anniversary show. Howard plans to feature interview snippets from the likes of Marv Wolfman, Richard Hatch, Kevin J. Anderson, and many more of today's best sci-fi talents. So check it out! You can find Destinies (WUSB 90.1 FM on your dial) by clicking

Congratulations to Howard on this landmark installment. Can't wait to tune in...

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AF Episode 5: "The Doll"