Friday, March 14, 2025

Abnormal Fixation Kickstarter: Get Your Art Seen in An Episode!

Well, we made a grand beginning on Kickstarter yesterday! (And my most humble and sincere thanks to all our backers thus far).

But, apparently, this is a marathon, not a sprint!

So let's see if we can keep up momentum on Day 2! (How do people do this for 29 days...?)

Anyway, today I want to shine a light on some fun rewar tiers if you kick in, particularly if you want to see your own artistic endeavors included in the finished product (an episode of the web series)

Santa's Helper!  One of the lead characters in our show, Elvis Bragg (played by moi!) is obsessed with Santa Claus and Christmas, and has his own Christmas Collectibles room. The room -- and Elvis's passion about Christmas -- play an important part in the show and the firs season arc! For those who contribute at this reward tier on the Kickstarter, they can see their own Santa/Christmas art featured in the episode, with credits for their work (and their store, if they have one), during the episode end credits.

Dr. Carol Carroll Art Lover -- This reward tier is for artists who want to draw, sketch, or paint our characters (Season, Elvis, Mark, Alyssa, Bleeder, The Professor, the Woodpyre Mill Phantom, Tiyanak) and see thatwork featured in an episode, hanging in Dr. Carol Carroll's office! Again, the artwork would be featured in the show, and then credited at the end, along with an artist's store or gallery information.

So, if you want to see your work in Abnormal Fixation, we'd love to have you join our team!

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