SciFi Pulse's Raissa Devereux reviews tomorrow's episode of Abnormal Fixation, "The Doll:"
"Abnormal Fixation, Episode 5: “The Doll” paid off the world-building and character development ...John Kenneth Muir used the titular doll as one of several Chekhov’s guns. In the process, he gave viewers a master class on narrative economy, as he set up the season finale. Muir maintained the tonal tightrope walk. The payoffs were all necessarily tragic, even when the context was comic Additionally, Muir deftly juxtaposed Alyssa and Dr. Carol Carroll. Both women understood Season better than she understood herself.
As for Alyssa, I really appreciated how Muir used her as meta-commentary on film financing. I find I’m as invested in Alyssa’s creative journey as I am in the subjects of her documentary.
All the regulars were excellent. They did a great job of conveying fatigue with the ruts their characters were were in. They walked the razor thin line with viewers between sympathy and exasperation.
The standout, however, was Leslie Cossor as Dr. Carol Carroll. She combined delightful physical choices with wonderful comic timing...
I love watching this series, and have watched it on my mobile with Castel App