Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Meet AF's Alicia Martin (Season Winters)

Abnormal Fixation's first episode, "The Contest" drops on YouTube tomorrow, here!  

In the meantime, meet Alicia Martin, who stars in our indie web-series as forensic biologist Season Winters.

Alicia and I have been working together on creative projects for almost twenty years, on projects like The House Between (2006 - 2009) and Enter The House Between (2023). Last year, she and I co-authored the first book in a supernatural/psychology thriller series, The Subway Game (2024), which is free on Kindle (hint, hint). The lead character, Eloise Webb, is modeled on her!

Alicia has won Best Actress awards for her role in AF at The Critic's Choice International Film Festival, Cineplay International Film Festival, Elegant International Film Festival, The Script Symphony Awards, and Magic Silver Screen. 

She was also nominated for best actress at the Oniros Film Awards in August 2024. I suspect Alicia is so effective in the role not merely because of her great talent, but also because of her temperament. There is little I can do, playing her klutzy husband, Elvis, to rattle her, alas.  Because I really want to rattle her, and it never works. But that long-suffering, level-headed, sharp-witted approach makes Season real, grounded, and also comedic.

Can't wait for you to see Alicia in action!

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