Sunday, December 03, 2023

Reflections on Turning 54

On the eve of 54...

Today is my 54th birthday, and I am so glad to be seated here, in front of a crackling fire, under a Enter The House Between-branded blanket (and two napping cats...), writing.

I read a piece at The Guardian about the age of 54, and it says, according to a Norwegian study, that fifty-four is the age that people lose their "get-up and go," meaning their "passion and grit."

So, From ages 18-53, good!  

Ages 54 and up...not so good.

Now, obviously, I am only a day into my 54th year, but I beg to differ with this conclusion. 

First, I still feel 30 years old.  I don't look 30 years old, but in my brain...that's me, a thirty-year old kid.

And I think I'm in pretty good shape. 178 lbs. My back doesn't hurt, and all my parts still work, at least for now.

Sure, I have lost most of the hair atop my head, as you can see from the picture above, as well as the color (formerly red...) in my beard.  

Yet what I hopefully haven't lost (yet) is my passion and grit. 

I'll keep taking the temperature on this, but I don't anticipate losing either between now and December 3, 2024.

According to the study, "you may well have a high score for grit and a low one for passion, or vice versa. These intertwined qualities are needed for high achievement, but the over-53s don’t seem to possess them as a package..."

So what keeps people young? 

What keeps up that level of grit and that passion?

What keeps me young?

Doing what I love, of course!

A short list, on the occasion of my 54th birthday:

- Playing video games with 17 year old son, Joel. We're off to Mario Kart here in a few minutes. He routinely kicks my ass, but it's so much fun anyway. 

- Spending time with my beautiful wife, Kathryn, of nearly 30 years, laughing and enjoying each other's company. This is the year we will take Tango lessons together!

- Getting to see my beloved parents, who have plenty of get-up and go at Ages 78 (my Mom) and 79 (My Dad). 

- Writing the NEXT season of Enter The House Between, my audio drama with editor Tony Mercer and an amazing cast and crew.

- Reading an Enter The House Between novella penned by the incredible Kim Breeding (who also stars in the audio drama).

- Teaching Public Speaking and Communication to my students, and watching them overcome their social anxiety and PSA to deliver really great (and often heartfelt and funny) speeches.

- Writing the next Horror Films Of Book. (The 2010s in this case)

- Starting a brand new novel with my friend and co-star, Alicia Martin!

And these are the things that just rolled out of my brain.  

That covers passion, I guess.

And grit? 

That quality is defined as "resolve," or "strength of character." 

I'm probably not the person to make that determination about myself, but I'll say this....the people I work with and spend time with say I am tenacious.  Well, they actually say I am relentless (and irritating), so hopefully I have the grit part of the equation covered.

So, at 54, my message is simply this: don't let anyone define you. Don't let anyone tell you your best days are behind you.  

That you are old, and fading away.

The best is yet to come.


  1. A Happy 54th to you, John! (I don't mean to get technical, but you're actually in your fifty-fifth year.)

    You're very productive. No doubt you'll continue to be for many years to come.

  2. Happy Belated. I turned 54 a few months ago (even our mothers are the same age). My uncle managed a theatre in Chicago from 1978 to 1982 and I lived in the cinema as a kid. During that time I watched every slasher released and had seen Roger Ebert in movies on a numer of occasions. I once again want to convey what a joy your books on horror have been, (The one of the 1970's is my favorite) endlessly re-readable, and look forward to future releases. Thanks

  3. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Happy belated birthday! I too turned 54 this year and I still LOVE all the wonderful things I loved as a kid in the 70's! Movies, cartoons, toys, etc.
    I have several of your books and feel like you and I could talk for days! Cheers to another 54 years!


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"