Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Two Weeks from Today: Enter The House Between Returns! (9/13/2023)

My full-cast audio drama, Enter The House Between returns to end its first season run two short weeks from today, on Wednesday, September 13!

Our first episode back, "Temple of Immensity" kicks off a three-part season finale. 

Part 2 in the trilogy ("Old Skin") follows, and then we have our season-ender climax, "The Last Dream of My Soul."  It will be quite a ride!

It's going to be a thrill to have the show returning (on YouTube, Spotify, Audible, etc.), and this trilogy will bring to a conclusion our major story arc of th first season, which in the end will consist of nine episodes.  

For fans of the series, I can let you know that the second season has been recorded, so there is more adventuring in the Quantumsphere to come...

...So, where did we leave off? 

In "Dresden," Episode 6, the denizens revealed (intentionally and unintentionally) their darkest secrets after a mystery saboteur destroyed Bill's scanner. 

Some of these secrets had to do with Father, the dangerous cult-leader destroying realities in the Quantumsphere. 

Other secrets had to do with the personal relationships of the denizens, and somebody on the farm clandestinely subverting them.

Anyway, here is "Dresden," one more time to refresh your memories, before "Temple of Immensity" bows on the morning of September 13. Hold on tight!




Lastly, if you are jonesing for some more ETHB information in this interim, consider the links below:

You can visit our store to buy some swag (and your money helps to support the production of the show), at Cafe Press.

And you can listen to me talk about the show at Sci-Fi Pulse, and Kasterborous, and read the review of the first season so far at Sci-Fi Pulse.

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AF Episode 5: "The Doll"