Monday, May 29, 2017

The Cult-TV Faces of: Tigers

Identified by Hugh: Star Trek: "Shore Leave."

Identified by Hugh: Batman.

Identified by Michael Gants: Space:1999 (Year Two)

Identified by Hugh: The Super Friends.

Identified by Hugh: The Incredible Hulk.

Identified by Hugh: Beastmaster (TV Series)

Identified by Hugh: Primeval

Identified by Hugh: Doctor Who: "In the Forest of the Night."

Identified by Michael Gants: Hannibal.

Identified by Hugh: The Walking Dead.

Identified by Hugh: MST-3K: "Carnival Magic."


  1. 1. Star Trek
    2. Batman
    3. Manimal
    4. Super Friends
    5. Incredible Hulk
    6. Beastmaster
    7. Primeval
    8. Doctor Who
    10. Walking Dead
    11. MST3K

    1. Hi Hugh, all are correct #3 (not Manimal)! Good job!

  2. 1. Star Trek (Shore Leave)
    2. Batman
    3. Space 1999
    4. Super Friends
    5. The Incredible Hulk
    6. The Beastmaster (TV Show)
    7. Primeval
    8. Doctor Who (In the Forest of the Night)
    9. Hannibal
    10. The Walking Dead
    11. Mystery Science Theater 3000

    1. Slam dunk! Excellent job, Michael! All your identifications are correct!

  3. John,

    2 Batman
    3 Space:1999

    5 Incredible Hulk
    6 Beastmaster

    10 The Walking Dead



Nimoy Day: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home  (1986), directed by Leonard Nimoy, proved such a sensation at the box office in the mid-1980s that its succes...