Tuesday, November 22, 2011

New Book Reviews for Horror Films of the 1990s

Horror Films of the 1990s -- my third "horror films of" decade book -- has been racking up some  great early reviews, and I wanted to call your attention to a few of 'em as Black Friday approaches (hint, hint, nudge, nudge):

From Dread Central: "If you are at all familiar with the previous works John Kenneth Muir did on horror films of the 70s and 80s, then you should be excited that you can now add the 90s to your library...he has created an invaluable research book that horror fans NEED on their shelves (along with his books on the films of the 1970s and 1980s).. Rated: 4 1/2 out of 5."

From The Thunder Child:  "Fans of the horror genre will find much to enjoy in these pages.  John Kenneth Muir's writing is entertaining as well as informative, and will enable you to revisit each of your favorites with a somewhat different persective than usual...Such a detailed overview will also be of interest to the movie historian as well as the horror aficionado."

1 comment:

  1. Kudos, John. Since mine arrived, it's been by my bedside stand, and I always pick out a film in it each night to peruse. Now I have to go back get the 70s and 80s books ;-). Thanks.


AF Episode 5: "The Doll"